SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) 2006-2020, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3 // Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4 // This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5 // shipped with this file and also available at:
6 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #pragma once
15 #include <seqan3/std/concepts>
16 #include <seqan3/std/ranges>
17 #include <vector>
18 #include <stdexcept>
31 // ============================================================================
32 // forwards
33 // ============================================================================
35 namespace seqan3::detail
36 {
38 template <std::ranges::view urng_t>
40  requires std::ranges::sized_range<urng_t> &&
41  std::ranges::random_access_range<urng_t> &&
44 class view_translate;
46 template <std::ranges::view urng_t>
48  requires std::ranges::sized_range<urng_t> &&
49  std::ranges::random_access_range<urng_t> &&
54 } // namespace seqan3::detail
56 // ============================================================================
57 // translation_frames
58 // ============================================================================
60 namespace seqan3
61 {
66 enum class translation_frames : uint8_t
67 {
68  FWD_FRAME_0 = 1,
69  FWD_FRAME_1 = 1 << 1,
70  FWD_FRAME_2 = 1 << 2,
71  REV_FRAME_0 = 1 << 3,
72  REV_FRAME_1 = 1 << 4,
73  REV_FRAME_2 = 1 << 5,
80 };
85 template <>
89 }
91 namespace seqan3::detail
92 {
94 // ============================================================================
95 // translate_fn (adaptor definition for both views)
96 // ============================================================================
101 template <bool single>
103 {
110  constexpr auto operator()(translation_frames const tf = default_frames) const
111  {
112  return detail::adaptor_from_functor{*this, tf};
113  }
120  template <std::ranges::range urng_t>
121  constexpr auto operator()(urng_t && urange, translation_frames const tf = default_frames) const
122  {
123  static_assert(std::ranges::viewable_range<urng_t>,
124  "The range parameter to views::translate[_single] cannot be a temporary of a non-view range.");
125  static_assert(std::ranges::sized_range<urng_t>,
126  "The range parameter to views::translate[_single] must model std::ranges::sized_range.");
127  static_assert(std::ranges::random_access_range<urng_t>,
128  "The range parameter to views::translate[_single] must model std::ranges::random_access_range.");
129  static_assert(nucleotide_alphabet<std::ranges::range_reference_t<urng_t>>,
130  "The range parameter to views::translate[_single] must be over elements of seqan3::nucleotide_alphabet.");
132  if constexpr (single)
133  return detail::view_translate_single{std::forward<urng_t>(urange), tf};
134  else
135  return detail::view_translate{std::forward<urng_t>(urange), tf};
136  }
139  template <std::ranges::range urng_t>
140  constexpr friend auto operator|(urng_t && urange, translate_fn const & me)
141  {
142  return me(std::forward<urng_t>(urange));
143  }
144 };
146 // ============================================================================
147 // view_translate_single (range definition)
148 // ============================================================================
156 template <std::ranges::view urng_t>
158  requires std::ranges::sized_range<urng_t> &&
159  std::ranges::random_access_range<urng_t> &&
162 class view_translate_single : public std::ranges::view_base
163 {
164 private:
166  urng_t urange;
170  static constexpr small_string multiple_frame_error{"Error: Invalid type of frame. Choose one out of FWD_FRAME_0, "
172  "REV_FRAME_2."};
173 public:
178  using reference = aa27;
182  using value_type = aa27;
184  using size_type = std::ranges::range_size_t<urng_t>;
186  using difference_type = std::ranges::range_difference_t<urng_t>;
196  view_translate_single() noexcept = default;
197  constexpr view_translate_single(view_translate_single const & rhs) noexcept = default;
198  constexpr view_translate_single(view_translate_single && rhs) noexcept = default;
199  constexpr view_translate_single & operator=(view_translate_single const & rhs) noexcept = default;
200  constexpr view_translate_single & operator=(view_translate_single && rhs) noexcept = default;
201  ~view_translate_single() noexcept = default;
212  view_translate_single(urng_t _urange, translation_frames const _tf = translation_frames::FWD_FRAME_0)
213  : urange{std::move(_urange)}, tf{_tf}
214  {
215  if (__builtin_popcount(static_cast<uint8_t>(_tf)) > 1)
216  {
218  }
219  }
229  template <typename rng_t>
231  requires (!std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<rng_t>, view_translate_single>) &&
232  std::ranges::viewable_range<rng_t> &&
233  std::constructible_from<urng_t, std::ranges::ref_view<std::remove_reference_t<rng_t>>>
236  : view_translate_single{std::views::all(std::forward<rng_t>(_urange)), _tf}
237  {}
256  iterator begin() noexcept
257  {
258  return {*this, 0};
259  }
262  const_iterator begin() const noexcept
263  {
264  return {*this, 0};
265  }
280  iterator end() noexcept
281  {
282  return {*this, size()};
283  }
286  const_iterator end() const noexcept
287  {
288  return {*this, size()};
289  }
304  {
305  switch (tf)
306  {
308  [[fallthrough]];
310  return std::ranges::size(urange) / 3;
311  break;
313  [[fallthrough]];
315  return (std::max<size_type>(std::ranges::size(urange), 1) - 1) / 3;
316  break;
318  [[fallthrough]];
320  return (std::max<size_type>(std::ranges::size(urange), 2) - 2) / 3;
321  break;
322  default:
324  break;
325  }
326  }
329  size_type size() const
330  {
331  switch (tf)
332  {
334  [[fallthrough]];
336  return std::ranges::size(urange) / 3;
337  break;
339  [[fallthrough]];
341  return (std::max<size_type>(std::ranges::size(urange), 1) - 1) / 3;
342  break;
344  [[fallthrough]];
346  return (std::max<size_type>(std::ranges::size(urange), 2) - 2) / 3;
347  break;
348  default:
350  break;
351  }
352  }
373  {
374  // size will throw (only in debug-builds!) if translation_frames is neither (FWD|REV)_FRAME_(0|1|2),
375  // we catch that error in debug-builds to make this function consistent with the behaviour in
376  // release-builds (-DNDEBUG).
377 #ifndef NDEBUG
378  try { assert(n < size()); } catch (std::invalid_argument const &) {}
379 #endif
381  switch (tf)
382  {
384  return translate_triplet((urange)[n * 3], (urange)[n * 3 + 1], (urange)[n * 3 + 2]);
385  break;
387  return translate_triplet(complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 1]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 2]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 3]));
388  break;
390  return translate_triplet((urange)[n * 3 + 1], (urange)[n * 3 + 2], (urange)[n * 3 + 3]);
391  break;
393  return translate_triplet(complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 2]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 3]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 4]));
394  break;
396  return translate_triplet((urange)[n * 3 + 2], (urange)[n * 3 + 3], (urange)[n * 3 + 4]);
397  break;
399  return translate_triplet(complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 3]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 4]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 5]));
400  break;
401  default:
403  break;
404  }
405  }
409  {
410  // size will throw (only in debug-builds!) if translation_frames is neither (FWD|REV)_FRAME_(0|1|2),
411  // we catch that error in debug-builds to make this function consistent with the behaviour in
412  // release-builds (-DNDEBUG).
413 #ifndef NDEBUG
414  try { assert(n < size()); } catch (std::invalid_argument const &) {}
415 #endif
417  switch (tf)
418  {
420  return translate_triplet((urange)[n * 3], (urange)[n * 3 + 1], (urange)[n * 3 + 2]);
421  break;
423  return translate_triplet(complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 1]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 2]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 3]));
424  break;
426  return translate_triplet((urange)[n * 3 + 1], (urange)[n * 3 + 2], (urange)[n * 3 + 3]);
427  break;
429  return translate_triplet(complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 2]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 3]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 4]));
430  break;
432  return translate_triplet((urange)[n * 3 + 2], (urange)[n * 3 + 3], (urange)[n * 3 + 4]);
433  break;
435  return translate_triplet(complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 3]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 4]), complement((urange)[(urange).size() - n * 3 - 5]));
436  break;
437  default:
439  break;
440  }
441  }
443 };
446 template <typename urng_t>
451 template <typename urng_t>
454 } // namespace seqan3::detail
456 // ============================================================================
457 // translate_single (adaptor object)
458 // ============================================================================
460 namespace seqan3::views
461 {
511 } // seqan3::views
513 // ============================================================================
514 // view_translate (range definition)
515 // ============================================================================
517 namespace seqan3::detail
518 {
528 template <std::ranges::view urng_t>
530  requires std::ranges::sized_range<urng_t> &&
531  std::ranges::random_access_range<urng_t> &&
534 class view_translate : public std::ranges::view_base
535 {
536 private:
538  urng_t urange;
544 public:
555  using size_type = std::ranges::range_size_t<urng_t>;
557  using difference_type = std::ranges::range_difference_t<urng_t>;
564 protected:
571  // unfortunately we cannot specialise the variable template so we have to add an auxiliary here
572  template <typename t>
573  requires (range_dimension_v<t> == range_dimension_v<value_type> + 1) &&
574  std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<range_innermost_value_t<value_type>>,
576  static constexpr bool is_compatible_this_aux = true;
580 public:
585  view_translate() noexcept = default;
586  constexpr view_translate(view_translate const & rhs) noexcept = default;
587  constexpr view_translate(view_translate && rhs) noexcept = default;
588  constexpr view_translate & operator=(view_translate const & rhs) noexcept = default;
589  constexpr view_translate & operator=(view_translate && rhs) noexcept = default;
590  ~view_translate() noexcept = default;
596  view_translate(urng_t _urange, translation_frames const _tf = translation_frames::SIX_FRAME)
597  : urange{std::move(_urange)}, tf{_tf}
598  {
611  }
617  template <typename rng_t>
619  requires (!std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<rng_t>, view_translate>) &&
620  std::ranges::viewable_range<rng_t> &&
621  std::constructible_from<urng_t, std::ranges::ref_view<std::remove_reference_t<rng_t>>>
624  : view_translate{std::views::all(std::forward<rng_t>(_urange)), _tf}
625  {}
644  iterator begin() noexcept
645  {
646  return {*this, 0};
647  }
650  const_iterator begin() const noexcept
651  {
652  return {*this, 0};
653  }
668  iterator end() noexcept
669  {
670  return {*this, size()};
671  }
674  const_iterator end() const noexcept
675  {
676  return {*this, size()};
677  }
690  size_type size() noexcept
691  {
692  return (size_type) selected_frames.size();
693  }
696  size_type size() const noexcept
697  {
698  return (size_type) selected_frames.size();
699  }
720  {
721  assert(n < size());
723  }
727  {
728  assert(n < size());
730  }
732 };
735 template <typename urng_t>
737  requires std::ranges::sized_range<urng_t> &&
738  std::ranges::random_access_range<urng_t> &&
741 view_translate(urng_t &&, translation_frames const = translation_frames{}) -> view_translate<std::views::all_t<urng_t>>;
743 } // namespace seqan3::detail
745 // ============================================================================
746 // translate (adaptor object)
747 // ============================================================================
749 namespace seqan3::views
750 {
798 inline constexpr auto translate = deep{detail::translate_fn<false>{}};
801 } // namespace seqan3::views
Provides seqan3::aa27, container aliases and string literals.
Provides seqan3::add_enum_bitwise_operators.
The twenty-seven letter amino acid alphabet.
Definition: aa27.hpp:46
Template for range adaptor closure objects that store arguments and wrap a proto-adaptor.
Definition: detail.hpp:371
A generic random access iterator that delegates most operations to the range.
Definition: random_access_iterator.hpp:310
The return type of seqan3::views::translate_single.
Definition: translate.hpp:163
const_reference operator[](size_type const n) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:408
size_type size() const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:329
reference operator[](size_type const n)
Return the n-th element.
Definition: translate.hpp:372
size_type size()
Returns the number of elements in the view.
Definition: translate.hpp:303
translation_frames tf
The frame that should be used for translation.
Definition: translate.hpp:168
iterator end() noexcept
Returns an iterator to the element following the last element of the container.
Definition: translate.hpp:280
std::ranges::range_difference_t< urng_t > difference_type
A signed integer type, usually std::ptrdiff_t.
Definition: translate.hpp:186
view_translate_single(rng_t &&_urange, translation_frames const _tf=translation_frames::FWD_FRAME_0)
Construct from another range.
Definition: translate.hpp:235
static constexpr small_string multiple_frame_error
Error thrown if tried to be used with multiple frames.
Definition: translate.hpp:170
view_translate_single() noexcept=default
iterator begin() noexcept
Returns an iterator to the first element of the container.
Definition: translate.hpp:256
urng_t urange
The input range (of ranges).
Definition: translate.hpp:166
const_iterator end() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:286
const_iterator begin() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:262
std::ranges::range_size_t< urng_t > size_type
The size_type.
Definition: translate.hpp:184
The return type of seqan3::views::translate.
Definition: translate.hpp:535
const_reference operator[](size_type const n) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:726
translation_frames tf
The frames that should be used for translation.
Definition: translate.hpp:540
view_translate() noexcept=default
std::ranges::range_difference_t< urng_t > difference_type
A signed integer type, usually std::ptrdiff_t.
Definition: translate.hpp:557
const_iterator begin() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:650
reference operator[](size_type const n)
Return the n-th element.
Definition: translate.hpp:719
small_vector< translation_frames, 6 > selected_frames
The selected frames corresponding to the frames required.
Definition: translate.hpp:542
size_type size() noexcept
Returns the number of elements in the view.
Definition: translate.hpp:690
view_translate_single< urng_t > reference
The reference_type.
Definition: translate.hpp:549
view_translate(rng_t &&_urange, translation_frames const _tf=translation_frames::SIX_FRAME)
Construct from another range.
Definition: translate.hpp:623
iterator begin() noexcept
Returns an iterator to the first element of the container.
Definition: translate.hpp:644
std::ranges::range_size_t< urng_t > size_type
The size_type.
Definition: translate.hpp:555
iterator end() noexcept
Returns an iterator to the element following the last element of the container.
Definition: translate.hpp:668
urng_t urange
The data members of view_translate_single.
Definition: translate.hpp:538
const_iterator end() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:674
size_type size() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: translate.hpp:696
Implements a small string that can be used for compile time computations.
Definition: small_string.hpp:43
constexpr char const * c_str() const noexcept
Returns the content represented as 0-terminated c-style string.
Definition: small_string.hpp:320
constexpr void push_back(value_type const value) noexcept
Appends the given element value to the end of the container.
Definition: small_vector.hpp:756
constexpr size_type size() const noexcept
Returns the number of elements in the container, i.e. std::distance(begin(), end()).
Definition: small_vector.hpp:511
A wrapper type around an existing view adaptor that enables "deep view" behaviour for that view.
Definition: deep.hpp:102
The Concepts library.
Provides various transformation traits used by the range module.
Provides seqan3::views::deep.
Provides seqan3::dna5, container aliases and string literals.
constexpr aa27 translate_triplet(nucl_type const &n1, nucl_type const &n2, nucl_type const &n3) noexcept
Translate one nucleotide triplet into single amino acid (single nucleotide interface).
Definition: translation.hpp:55
constexpr auto complement
Return the complement of a nucleotide object.
Definition: concept.hpp:95
@ single
The text is a single range.
Definition: concept.hpp:84
constexpr size_t size
The size of a type pack.
Definition: traits.hpp:150
constexpr auto translate
A view that translates nucleotide into aminoacid alphabet with 1, 2, 3 or 6 frames.
Definition: translate.hpp:798
constexpr auto translate_single
A view that translates nucleotide into aminoacid alphabet for one of the six frames.
Definition: translate.hpp:509
auto const move
A view that turns lvalue-references into rvalue-references.
Definition: move.hpp:70
A concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents nucleotides.
The internal SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
view_translate(urng_t &&, translation_frames const =translation_frames{}) -> view_translate< std::views::all_t< urng_t >>
Class template argument deduction for view_translate.
view_translate_single(urng_t &&, translation_frames const) -> view_translate_single< std::views::all_t< urng_t >>
Class template argument deduction for view_translate_single.
The SeqAn namespace for views.
The main SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
constexpr bool add_enum_bitwise_operators< translation_frames >
Enable bitwise operators for enum translation_frames.
Definition: translate.hpp:86
Specialisation values for single and multiple translation frames.
Definition: translate.hpp:67
The first forward and first reverse frame.
The first reverse frame starting at position 0.
The second reverse frame starting at position 1.
The first third and third reverse frame.
The third forward frame starting at position 2.
The second forward frame starting at position 1.
All forward frames.
The third reverse frame starting at position 2.
All reverse frames.
The first forward frame starting at position 0.
The second forward and second reverse frame.
SeqAn specific customisations in the standard namespace.
Provides the seqan3::detail::random_access_iterator class.
Adaptations of concepts from the standard library.
Auxiliary header for the views submodule .
Adaptations of concepts from the Ranges TS.
A constexpr string implementation to manipulate string literals at compile time.
Definition of the range adaptor object type for seqan3::views::translate and seqan3::views::translate...
Definition: translate.hpp:103
constexpr auto operator()(translation_frames const tf=default_frames) const
Store the argument and return a range adaptor closure object.
Definition: translate.hpp:110
constexpr auto operator()(urng_t &&urange, translation_frames const tf=default_frames) const
Directly return an instance of the view, initialised with the given parameters.
Definition: translate.hpp:121
static constexpr translation_frames default_frames
The default frames parameter for the translation view adaptors.
Definition: translate.hpp:105
constexpr friend auto operator|(urng_t &&urange, translate_fn const &me)
This adaptor is usable without setting the frames parameter in which case the default is chosen.
Definition: translate.hpp:140
Provides functions for translating a triplet of nucleotides into an amino acid.